
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

North west Bali 2 April 2012

During the afternoon at Grouper Farm
First Day In North west Bali, we stay a night at the grouper farm. We tried to catch fish around the farm but no luck. So we took 2 (500-700 gram) Baramundi and 1 good size grouper (800 gram flowery cod) for dinner. The meal was amazing, you cannot get fresher fish then that ( literally from the moment the fish was killed to the frying pan it was less then 3 minutes)

The next day we went to nearby FAD. First FAD the current was so strong that none of the pleagic fish was around. Very disspointing!! we move to more FAD and Nill!! all you see is small rainbow runner and amberjack. So we move to nearby reef next to the grouper farm, we saw nothing. So i decide to have fun with the school of Napoleon and few turtle.

The last spot was right next to the Bali National park. I saw a giant Barracuda, it was around 30-40 kg, it was swimming close to reef. But thank to arvid who decide to take a rest on my bouy i couldnt move and because i tried to pull the bouy it causes a lot of turbulance in the water and scare the barracuda. Thanks arvid, i will remember to put you on the D@#khead wall of fame.

We decided to cut the trip short and head back to Denpasar and wait for next week when the current slow down.

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